Funding The Purple Crayon:
2006 ReportThis report covers the income that The Purple Crayon received in 2006.
PC Editorial Amazon Google AdSenseBookCloseOuts Other Total 1st 1/4 $90 $551.69 $2,438.41 $79.46 $6.79 $3,166.35 2nd 1/4 $60 $401.16 $2,325.72 $127.16 $2.98 $2,917.02 3rd 1/4 $150 $465.33 $2,312.66 $89.45 $16.00 $3.033.44 4th 1/4 $30 $520.73 $2.183.90 $98.57 $23.68 $2,856.88 Total $330 $1,938.81 $9,260.69 $391.67 $49.45 $11.973.69
Comments: A better year than 2005, due entirely to Google AdSense. No big changes in approach from 2005, though, and I may need one, as all my income sources are not growing.
All of the affiliate programs on the site other than the main three listed separately above are listed under "Other": this includes Alibris, Amazon Canada, and BookSense. I continue to note a "commission" on freelance work that came in via the web site. My hope is that I will do less and less of this and more work on the site itself as income from the site itself increases.
The site is getting most of its income from Google AdSense, meaning that the eggs are all in one basket, a situation which needs to be changed.
Next steps: More of the same! The Blog continues, Margot Finke's column continues, and I am adding other materials whenever I can. I plan to continue to revise and enrich the Award-winning Children's Books section, write a piece on the acquisition process, and add to the Self-Publishing area.
My plan to offer direct advertising to select advertisers is on hold until I have more time.
Please remember to come back to the Bookstore page on my site when you are doing online book shopping. In the long run, the more people who bookmark and then use that page, the larger the number of purchases that will be credited to the site. You can also promote it by linking to it from your site, or by linking to any other page or pages that interest you.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of this.
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